b. The first Messenger was our father Adam (peace be upon him):
Allah Almighty created our father Adam (peace be upon him) out of clay and then breathed from His spirit into him. In this regard, Allah Almighty says:{We surely created you, then shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam,” so they prostrated, except Iblīs [Satan], who was not one of those who prostrated. Allah said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?” He said, “I am better than him; You created me from fire and created him from clay.» Allah said, “Then get down from here! It is not for you to show arrogance here. Get out, for you are one of the disgraced.» He said, “Grant me respite until the Day they are resurrected.» Allah said, “You are of those who are granted respite’’.}[Surat al–A‘rāf: 11-15]
Satan asked Allah Almighty to give him respite and not subject him to immediate punishment and to allow him to tempt Adam and his posterity out of envy and hatred for them. So, for a wise purpose intended by Allah, He allowed Satan to delude Adam and his progeny except for the sincere servants of Allah, and He commanded Adam and his children not to worship Satan or yield to his temptation and to seek refuge in Allah from him. The first incident of temptation by Satan for Adam and his wife Eve (who was created from his rib) is in the story revealed in the Qur’an:
{“O Adam, dwell in Paradise, you and your wife, and eat from wherever you wish, but do not approach this tree, or else you will both be among the wrongdoers.» Then Satan whispered to them in order to expose what was hidden from them of their private parts. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden to you this tree to prevent you from becoming angels or immortals.» And he swore to them, “I am indeed your sincere adviser.» So, he deluded them both with deception. When they tasted the tree, their private parts became visible to them, so they began to put together leaves of the Garden to cover themselves. Their Lord called them, “Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that Satan is your sworn enemy?» They said, “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves; if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.» Allah said, “Get down as enemies to one another. You will find a dwelling place on earth and provision for an appointed time.» He said, “There you will live, and there you will die, and from there you will be raised again.”O children of Adam, we have given you garments that cover your private parts and as an adornment. However, the garment of piety is best. That is one of the signs of Allah, so that they may take heed.O children of Adam, do not let Satan seduce you as he caused your parents to be expelled from the Garden, stripping them of their garments and making their private parts visible to them. He and his offspring see you from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils allies to those who disbelieve.}[Surat al-A‘rāf: 19-27]
Adam descended to earth and had children and progeny. Then, he died, and his posterity multiplied generation after generation. They were subject to the devil’s temptations and there emerged among them deviation and the worship of the graves of their pious forefathers, and they turned from faith to polytheism. Hence, Allah sent to them a messenger from among themselves, namely Nūh (Noah) (peace be upon him).