Religion of Islam

Presented by the Qur’an and Sunnah

The word of monotheism (there is no true god but Allah)

The basic rule of Islam is the word of monotheism (there is no true god but Allah). Without this solid rule, the lofty structure of Islam cannot be established. It is the first word to be uttered by anyone entering this religion with belief in all its meanings and connotations. So, what is the meaning of “there is no true god but Allah”?

“There is no true god but Allah” means:

– There is no creator of the universe but Allah.
– There is no owner and disposer of the universe but Allah. – There is no deity worthy of being worshiped but Allah.

Allah is the One Who created this vast, beautiful, and magnificent universe. This sky and its enormous stars and moving planets, they all move within a perfect system. No one controls them but Allah. And this earth and its mountains, valleys, hills, rivers, trees, plants, air, water, land, and seas, and its day and night, and whoever live and walk thereon are all created and brought into existence by Allah Almighty alone.

In His Noble Book, Allah Almighty says:{The sun is running to its determined course. That is the design of the All-Mighty, All-Knowing. As for the moon, we have determined phases for it, until it becomes like an old palm stalk. It is not for the sun to catch up with the moon, nor for the night to outstrip the day. Each is floating in its own orbit.}[Surat Yasīn: 38– 40]

{And We have spread out the earth and set therein firm mountains and caused to grow therein plants of every pleasant kind, as a source of insight and a reminder to every slave who turns [to Allah].And We send down from the sky blessed rain, with which We cause to grow gardens and grain for harvest, and towering palm trees having clustered fruit.}[Surat Qāf: 7- 10]

This is the creation of Allah, Exalted be He. He made the earth stable and put therein gravity just to the degree needed for life on it. If greater, it would be hard to move; and if lesser, everything would fly. Yet, Allah Almighty created everything with a precise estimate.

And He caused pure water to descend from the sky, which is essential for life on earth.{We created from water every living thing.}[Surat al- Anbiyā’: 30]With such water, He brought forth plants and fruits and quenched the thirst of animals and people. He also enabled the earth to keep the water, which flows therein in streams and rivers.

Moreover, with water He grew gardens that radiate joy stemming from its trees, flowers, and splendor. Indeed, it is Allah Who perfected everything He created and began the creation of man from clay.

The first human being Allah Almighty created was the father of humanity Adam (peace be upon him). He created him from clay and then proportioned and fashioned him and breathed into him from His spirit. Then, He created from him his spouse. Then, He made his progeny out of the extract of a worthless fluid.

Allah Almighty says:{We created man from an extract of clay, then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a safe place, then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We made the clinging clot into a lump, then We made the lump into bones, and We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We developed it into another creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.}[Surat al-Mu’minūn: 12-14]He also says:{Have you thought about the semen that you emit? Is it you who create it, or is it We Who are the Creators? We have ordained death among you, and nothing can overcome usfrom transforming you and recreating you in forms that you do not know.}[Surat al-Wāqi’ah: 58-61]Think about your own creation and you will be amazed by these delicate and perfect systems in your body which you only know little about, let alone control. Here is a complete system for digesting food, starting from the mouth where food is cut into small pieces for easy digestion. Then, the piece of food passes through the pharynx (the throat) just to be received by the epiglottis, which allows it to

pass to the esophagus and prevents it from passing to the trachea, and then it slides into the stomach through the esophagus that has a worm-like movement. In the stomach, the digestion process continues until the food transforms into a fluid in the stomach passing through the pylorus to the duodenum, where digestion continues, and food turns from its original state into a substance suitable for giving nutrition to the body cells. Then, it goes to the small intestine, where the final phase of digestion is completed, and food turns into such a condition that it can be absorbed by the intestinal villi and circulate with the blood. And there is an integral system particularly designed for blood circulation through such complicated arteries, which if extended, they would be thousands of kilometers long. These are connected to a central pumping station called the heart, which constantly and relentlessly transports the blood through these arteries.

Likewise, there is a system for respiration, and another for the nerves, and another one for the extraction of wastes, and the list goes on. Every day, we gain more knowledge about such systems, yet what we know about ourselves is still far less than what we do not know. So, who could possibly create man in this perfect way but Allah?!

Hence, the greatest sin ever is to set up an equal to Allah while He is the One Who created you.

Proceed with an open heart and a pure soul and ponder over the magnificent creation of the Almighty Lord. This air which you inhale, and it reaches you everywhere, with no color to disturb our vision, if it were cut off from you for only a few minutes, you would die. And this water which you drink, this food that you eat, this person whom you love, and this land on which you walk, and this sky at which you look, all what your eyes can and cannot see, be it small or great, is created by the All-Knowing Creator.

Reflecting upon the creation of Allah leads us to recognize His greatness and power. How foolish, ignorant, and misguided one would be if he sees such splendid, harmonious, and perfect creation, which points to the amazing wisdom and boundless ability, and yet he does not believe in the Creator Who brought all this out of nothing into existence. Allah Almighty

says:{Were they created by none, or were they the creators [of themselves]?Or did they create the heavens and earth? Rather, they are not certain in faith.}[Surat at-Tūr: 35-36]

Indeed, Allah Almighty is recognized through sound natural dispositions without the need for education. He has put in us the natural need to turn and resort to Him. Yet, some are then made to go astray and away from Him.

That is why when we are hit by a disaster or a severe distress or crisis and face mortal danger in the land or the sea, we immediately turn to Allah for help and rescue; and it is Allah Almighty Who responds to the distressed when they call upon Him and He removes the harm.

This Grand Creator is greater than everything. He cannot be compared to any of His creation, for indeed He is the Great One Whose greatness has not bound, and none can encompass Him in knowledge. He is high above His creation, over His heavens.{There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.}[Surat ash-Shūra: 11]None in His creation is like Him, and Allah is surely different from whatever comes to our minds. Allah Almighty sees us from above His heavens, but we cannot see Him:{No vision can encompass Him, but He encompasses all vision, and He is the Most Subtle, the All-Aware.}[Surat al-An‘ām: 103]Our senses and powers do not even have the ability by which we can see Him in this worldly life. One of the Prophets asked for this. That was Mūsa (Moses) (peace be upon him) when Allah spoke to him next to Mount Tūr, he said: My Lord, let me look at You. Thereupon, Allah Almighty said to him:{“You will not be able to see Me. But look at the mountain; if it stays firm in its place, only then will you see Me.” When his Lord appeared to the mountain, it was leveled to dust, and Moses fell unconscious. When he recovered, he said, “Glory be to You! I repent to You, and I am the first of the believers.”}[Surat al- A‘rāf: 143]The massive mountain fell apart and collapsed as the Almighty Lord revealed Himself to it. So, what about us, human beings, who are very weak?!One of the attributes of Allah Almighty is that He is Able to do all things:{Allah is not such that something can escape Him in the heavens or

on earth.}[Surat Fātir: 44]Life and death are in His Hand. All creatures stand in need of Him, but He is Self-Sufficient beyond need for anyone. He says:{O people, it is you who are in need of Allah, whereas Allah is the Self- Sufficient, the Praiseworthy.}[Surat Fātir: 15]Another attribute of Allah is His knowledge that encompasses all things:{He alone has the keys of the unseen; no one knows them except Him. He knows what is in the land and sea. Not a leaf falls without His knowledge, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything moist or dry, but is [written] in a Clear Record.}[Surat al-An‘ām: 59]He knows what we say and what we do and even what we entertain in our hearts:{He knows the sneaky glances of the eyes and what the hearts conceal.}[Surat Ghāfir: 19]Allah Almighty is Watching over us and is Aware of our conditions. Nothing in the heavens or earth is hidden from Him, and He is never taken by heedlessness, forgetfulness, or sleep. Allah Almighty says:{Allah: none has the right to be worshiped except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. Who is there that can intercede with Him except with His permission? He knows what was before them and what will be after them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge, except what He wills. His Kursī [footstool] extends over the heavens and earth, and safeguarding of both does not weary Him, for He is the Highest, the Greatest.}[Surat al- Baqarah: 255]

To Him belong all attributes of absolute perfection, with no defect or deficiency.

The most beautiful names and the most sublime attributes are His as He says:{Allah has the Most Beautiful Names, so call upon Him by them, and leave those who profane His Names. They will be recompensed for what they used to do.}[Surat al-A‘rāf: 180]

Allah Almighty has no partner in His dominion and no equal or supporter.

He is far exalted above having a wife or a child. Indeed, He is Self- Sufficient beyond need for all these, as He says:{Say: “He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is He begotten, and there

is none comparable to Him.”}[Surat alIkhlās: 1-4]He also says:{They say, “The Most Compassionate has begotten a son.» You have made a monstrous statement, at which the heavens are about to be torn apart, the earth split asunder, and the mountains tumble down. Because they have ascribed to the Most Compassionate a son. It is not appropriate for the Most Compassionate to beget a son. There is none in the heavens and earth except that he will come to the Most Compassionate in full submission.}[Surat Maryam: 88-93]

Allah Almighty possesses the attributes of majesty, beauty, power, greatness, pride, dominion, and might.

And He also possesses the attributes of generosity, forgiveness, mercy, and benevolence. He is the Most Compassionate, whose mercy encompasses everything.

And He is the Most Merciful, whose mercy precedes His anger.

And He is the Most Generous, whose generosity is boundless and Whose treasures are inexhaustible.

All His names are beautiful, and they point to the attributes of complete perfection that befit none but Allah.

When you know His attributes, you grow in love and glorification for Him, as well as in fear of and submission to Him.

Hence, “there is no true god but Allah” means that nothing of our worship should be devoted to anyone other than Allah. None is worthy of being worshiped except Allah, for He is the One possessing the attributes of divinity and perfection and He is the Creator, the Provider, the Bestower of favors, the One Who gives life and causes death. He alone deserves to be worshiped, with no partner.

If anyone refuses to worship Allah or worships other than Him, he turns to be a polytheist and a disbeliever.

Prostration, bowing, submission, and prayer should be devoted to Allah Almighty alone.

We should seek help only from Allah, supplicate none but Him, seek the fulfillment of our needs only from Him, and avoid dedicating any act of obedience or worship except to Him.{Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, Lord of the worlds. He has no partner. This is what I have been commanded, and I am the first to submit to Allah.”}[Surat al-An‘ām: 162-163]

b. Why did Allah create us?

The answer to this key question is of great significance. But it is necessary to get this answer from the divine revelation, for Allah is the One Who created us, and He is the One Who tells us about the purpose of our creation. In the Qur’an, He says:{I have not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.}[Surat adh-Dhāriyāt: 56]Servitude to Allah is the common attribute among the countless creatures, from the noblest ones, i.e., the angels, to the strangest creatures. All these nations are naturally disposed to worship and glorify Allah, the Lord of the worlds:{The seven heavens and the earth, and all those in them glorify Him. There is not a single thing that does not glorify Him with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification. Indeed, He is Most Forbearing, All-Forgiving.}[Surat al-Isrā’: 44]Angels are made to naturally proclaim Allah’s glory just as humans are made to breathe. However, man’s servitude to his Creator is voluntary, not compulsory (voluntary by way of testing):{It is He Who created you, yet some of you are disbelievers and some of you are believers. And Allah is All-Seeing of what you do.}[Surat at- Taghābun: 2]{Do you not see that to Allah prostrate all those who are in the heavens and all those on earth: the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures, and many humans? But there are many on whom the punishment has become due. Whoever Allah disgraces, none can honor him.}[Surat al-Hajj: 18]Allah has created us to worship Him and to test our success in the fulfillment of this worship. So, whoever worships Allah, loves and submits to Him, and obeys His commands and shuns His prohibitions, he wins His approval, mercy, and love and receives the best reward from Him. Conversely, whoever rejects the worship of Allah, who has created and

provided for him, and arrogantly refuses to observe His commands and avoid His prohibitions, he incurs Allah’s wrath and faces His painful punishment. Indeed, Allah Almighty did not create us in vain or leave us without a purpose. The most ignorant and foolish are those who come to this world and are endowed with hearing, vision, and mind, and they live for a period of time and then die without knowing why they were brought to this world and where they will go thereafter. Allah Almighty says:{Did you think that We created you with no purpose, and that you would not be brought back to Us?}[Surat al- Mu’minūn: 115]

Not equal in His sight are those of us who believe in Him, rely upon Him, refer to Him for judgment, love and submit to Him, and seek closeness to Him through acts of worship and whatever pleases Him and those who disbelieve in Him while He has created and fashioned them, deny His signs and religion, and refuse to submit to His command.

The first type gains honor, reward, love, and pleasure, whereas the other incurs wrath, displeasure, and punishment.

Allah will resurrect people after they die and reward the good doers with bliss and honor in Paradise and punish the evil doers, who arrogantly refused to worship Him, with torment in Hellfire.

You can freely imagine how great this honor and reward will be considering that it will come from Allah, the Self-Sufficient and the Most Generous, whose generosity and mercy are boundless and Whose treasures are inexhaustible. The reward will be the utmost bliss that never ends or goes away (we will talk about this later).

You can likewise imagine how severe and painful the punishment for the disbelievers will be, as it will be inflicted by Allah, the Compeller, the Magnificent, and the Supreme, whose might and pride are boundless.

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